We promote the importance of education to all our children & young people. We try and make every day extraordinary for the individuals we support, because we believe in every single one of them. Our passion is making a real difference by creating positive experiences every day and making progressive steps, no matter how big or small, encouraging children & young people to reach their potential.
Parkview Education – Welcome
A vibrant and progressive education provider aiming to make a difference to the lives of the students and pupils placed within our schools.
Our schools strive to support individuals to achieve their potential by creating environments where they can thrive. Our talented and experienced staff teams put the right support and resources in place for each child in our schools.
We recognise that every student/pupil is an individual with his or her own needs, wants, aspirations, emotions as well as difficulties, so our approach to learning and education is equally adaptable and flexible.
Our highly trained educational teams work with young people who would be described as having challenging issues, such as emotional and behavioural difficulties and mental health challenges.
Student/pupils in these circumstances may have had trouble learning within a mainstream school and may be considered to be themselves difficult. Our schools support student/pupils who have been excluded from mainstream schools due to challenging behaviours or because the school is unable to meet the student/pupil’s educational needs.
Our perseverance and commitment to identify every single way in which we can work with each student/pupil to identify and reach their potential means that we take everything into account that impacts on their learning – the environment, sense of community, staff supporting them and their peer group. We strive to ensure our impact is a positive one.
The safe, unique environment that our schools offer builds our student/pupils’ trust in the school community whilst learning the skills needed to function in the wider outside world, without putting themselves at risk.
Our schools follow the National Curriculum and so cover the core subjects of Literacy, Numeracy, Science and ICT plus various vocational subjects, humanities, citizenship, PSHE and physical education.
We currently have two schools located within Kent, allowing us to provide learning opportunities that are specific to the needs of primary pupils and secondary students.
Our aim is simple: to work with the children and young people we educate and care for, guiding them towards their own incredible futures and helping them achieve their potential.
Maple Tree Primary
Maple Tree Primary School is a unique, family orientated school for children aged from 7 to 11 years who have social, emotional, and mental health difficulties (SEMH) as well as other complex learning needs often associated with autistic spectrum disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) who, for a variety of reasons, are unable to be educated within a mainstream school.
Parkview Academy
Situated in Margate, Parkview Academy was established in 2017 and caters for students experiencing learning difficulties associated with Social, Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH).

Making A Real Difference
We recognise that every child & young person is an individual with his or her own needs, wants, aspirations, emotions as well as difficulties, so our approach to learning and education is equally adaptable and flexible.
Build friendships and relationships
Find pleasure in everyday tasks
Develop the ability to learn and achieve at school
Be involved in making decisions about themselves

Our Aim
Our aim is simple; to work with the vulnerable children & young people entrusted to us, step-by-step, day-by-day, to help them achieve their potential.
Our expert teachers monitor the progress of each student, adjusting their individual development plans where necessary. We take the lead in liaising with carers and families as well as relevant agencies and authorities to build an appropriate learning programme.

Our Head of Education
Alison Dobbie
Head of Education
Alison has 18 years’ experience in the Specialist Education Sector. Prior to joining Parkview Care, Alison was Headteacher of three independent day schools for pupils with complex needs and challenging behaviour and a Regional Principal for a large independent provider responsible for a number of schools in the south of England.
Currently Head of Education within Parkview Care, Alison has led both Residential and Day schools. Alison holds NPQH, a BA Honour Degree in Art and Design and qualified teacher status. She is also a Designated Safeguard Lead – Level 5.

How Can We Help?
Want to find out more about our homes and education programmes? Talk to a member of our team today.