Maple Tree Primary
Maple Tree Primary School is a unique, family orientated school for children aged from 7 to 11 years who have social, emotional, and mental health difficulties (SEMH) as well as other complex learning needs often associated with autistic spectrum disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) who, for a variety of reasons, are unable to be educated within a mainstream school.
The number of complaints logged for 2022-23 = 0 complaints
Laura Stubbs
(Acting) Teacher in Charge
I am delighted to welcome you to Maple Tree Primary School- our unique, family orientated ‘home from home’ in which we strive for excellence in education for all our young learners.
With the firm belief that children’s self-esteem and confidence can be greatly improved through academic achievement alongside social and personal development, we offer an ambitious, broad, and balanced curriculum – the foundations of which lie within an active approach to its implementation.
Learning opportunities for our young people are tailored to meet individual needs through task design and differentiation as well as providing experiences that are challenging and aspirational. This is underpinned by our aim to enable all children to recognise their successes beyond the school gates.
We hope you enjoy viewing our website and welcome any further questions or requests for information.
Our Aims
Situated on the outskirts of the coastal town of Broadstairs, our beautiful three-storey educational establishment boasts an idyllic setting with easy access to a vast array of outdoor learning experiences such as local beaches, Viking Bay, The Turner Centre, Ramsgate Tunnels, Quex Park and King George Park.
In addition to this, we are fortunate enough to be within walking distance of the local garden centre! We have a designated Art Studio in addition to the main classrooms which will be used to provide high quality art sessions as well as interventions underpinned by therapeutic PACE approaches to accommodate a love of learning through drawing and art.
We have an enclosed outside area with access to a trampoline to provide pupils with a safe place to use for active learning breaks in addition to a communal outdoor space, all of which are used for structured learning (for example, curriculum-based scavenger hunts, reasoning and problem-solving tasks in Maths and investigative / explorative scientific learning) and unstructured play times.
Our Curriculum
Our curriculum aims to ensure that it’s intent, implementation and impact all support pupils’ needs and supports them to build and develop their cultural capital so that they can be successful in whatever they choose to pursue. Maple Tree Primary School’s approach is built on the firm belief that pupils’ self-esteem, confidence, and emotional stability can be greatly improved through academic achievement as well as social and personal experiences Maple Tree Primary School aims to create a centre of excellence for the education, care, and personal development of young people with social, emotional, and mental health difficulties and complex needs.
Our pupils may have experienced adversity in education and trauma in their personal lives, often resulting in low self-esteem. Our goal is to support our young people to achieve their academic and personal potential and equip them with the knowledge and skills they require to enjoy a full, well integrated and satisfying life.
All our pupils learn to experience success and develop strategies and resilience to deal with setbacks and challenges. We aim to support our pupils to develop secure levels of self-confidence and self-esteem.
Our Philosophy and Expectations
We believe that disruptive and challenging behaviour always has an underlying cause. As a result, we strive to ensure that we prioritise developing a culture of mutual trust and respect to help each child to reach their full potential. We fundamentally operate within two main principles: All children, without exception, are to be valued as unique and special members of society, with the ability to exceed and achieve.
Maple Tree Primary School will not tolerate bullying in any form. A comprehensive anti-bullying policy operates within the school along with a set of procedures to identify and deal with any incidents quickly and effectively.
Maple Tree Policies, Brochure & Latest Inspection
The following policies are available upon request from the school or the proprietor during opening hours:
Maple Tree Brochure
At Maple Tree Primary, we offer a rich and vibrant curriculum which is ambitious for all learners.
Ofsted Inspection Report
Read our latest inspection report from Ofsted regarding Maple Tree Primary.
Maple Tree Primary School Contact Details
Maple Tree Primary School
162 Ramsgate Road
Kent CT10 2EW
T: 01843 317080
Parkview Education Limited
The Brentano Suite
Solar House
915 High Road
London N12 8QJ
T: 0345 647 7777
Terry McKenzie
T: 0345 647 7777
To make a referral for a school placement please email or call 0345 6477777.
Remain up to date with the KENT local offer and SEND information hub which provides services and support for children and young people aged 0 to 25 with special educational needs.