Our Services
Parkview Care offers a fully comprehensive residential care service, education, 16+ Supported Accommodation and Outreach service for children & young people with challenging behaviours and special educational needs.
We provide several different types of service to ensure the exact needs of each individual child or young person are met. We tailor our service to ensure children & young people receive the right support and encouragement needed to achieve and reach their full potential.
How We Support Young People
We take great pride in providing residential care which focuses clearly on enabling children & young people to achieve success and fulfilment in the future.

Our Homes
Home is not a place, it’s a feeling
Our homes provide the nurturing and supportive care needed to support and enhance children & young people’s development. We believe every child & young person deserves a warm, caring environment where they can thrive and reach their potential.

Our Schools
Measurable progress through education
We firmly believe all children & young people should attend education and make measurable progress towards achieving their educational potential and we support them to do this.

Parkview 16+
Supported Accommodation &
Outreach Services
We offer specially tailored 16+ supported accommodation and outreach work to help give children & young people the opportunities they need to successfully realise their life goals, become more confident and achieve independence.

Training Centre
Comprehensive induction programmes
Our training centre provides a comprehensive induction and training programme for new employees and continuing professional development, training and support for our current staff.