The Cottage achieves ‘Good’ rating from Ofsted.

We want to congratulate the team at The Cottage, who achieved an Ofsted rating of Good in their recent inspection.

Comments made during the inspection include:

“Staff provide a range of positive and first-time experiences, such as swimming lessons and attending rugby matches. These opportunities are broadening the child’s experiences and installing positive childhood memories.”

“Staff are creative in how they get important messages across to children. They spend time talking to children and provide educational resources to inform their conversations and topics.”

“Staff support one child to see their family members regularly. This is helping the child build on their family relationships in a familiar setting with staff support. For the first time in six years, the child returned home over the Christmas period. The child told the inspector this made them very happy.”

“The registered manager’s monitoring systems are good and demonstrate he has clear management oversight of the home. The registered manager is reflective and focused. Staff say he is approachable and always makes time to listen to children and staff.”

We are very proud of the team.

The Cottage hosted a Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support, on 24th October 2023.

We set out to raise £150 to support a worthy cause but achieved an outstanding total of £290.

The event was supported by our young people, their families, and dedicated staff team. There were cakes and coffee galore and positive relationships built through shared experience, I was proud to be a part of the day as were the families who joined us.

Last year, donations from Coffee Mornings made a vital difference, and helped them continue their incredible work. Every cup counts and will support them in doing whatever it takes to help people living with cancer live life as fully as they can.

We have all been affected in one way or another and we would like to give something back, share in some smiles and enjoy some cake!

Ivy Lodge has received a ‘Good’ rating in latest inspection.

We are extremely pleased to share that Ivy Lodge has received an Ofsted rating of Good at its latest inspection. Comments from the inspection included:

‘”The house is large and feels warm and happy. Staff and children have fun together and enjoy shared laughter. Children actively engage in lively conversations with staff, who respond in kind. When children go to staff, they know that they will be listened to.”

“Professional relationships are valued. Feedback from a social worker was positive. They stated that communication with the staff is very good and that their child is the most settled since they came into care.

A massive congratulations to Clayton and the team at Ivy!

    Maple Tree Primary School has received a ‘Good’ rating after their first routine Ofsted inspection

    Parkview Education are delighted to announce that during its first routine inspection Maple Tree Primary School has been rated Good by Ofsted!

    Staff and leaders have high expectations. They have been very successful at integrating pupils into the school and re-engaging them in learning. Pupils talk enthusiastically about how adults help and support them.

    Other positive findings highlighted in the Ofsted report included:

    1. The school provides a safe and consistent environment that enables pupils to settle well into learning and begin to thrive.
    2. Staff use pupils’ own interests to engage and enthuse them, but also ensure that pupils’ interests are broadened.
    3. Parents say that staff understand their children’s needs very well and adapt the learning to make it work for each individual.
    4. Parents appreciate the way that staff and leaders value their child and celebrate their strengths and successes.

    We are all absolutely delighted with the result. There has been a great deal of hard work both by pupils and staff and we are pleased that Ofsted has recognised this. We do not see this as the end point of the journey, we will continue to strive to ensure that the learners at Maple Tree Primary School benefit from excellent teaching and learning.

    Ivy Lodge were visited by The Food Standards Agency on the 24th  November 2022. We are pleased and proud to be able to say we received a food hygiene rating of 5!

    5 is the top of the scale, this means the hygiene standards are very good and fully comply with the law.

    To get the top rating, businesses must do well in all three elements which are.

    1. How hygienically the food is handled – how it is prepared, cooked, re-heated, cooled and stored
    2. The physical condition of the business –including cleanliness, layout, lighting, ventilation, pest control and other facilities
    3. How the business manages ways of keeping food safe, looking at processes, training and systems to ensure good hygiene is maintained. The officer can then assess the level of confidence in standards being maintained in the future.

    2 years ago

    A massive congratulations to Tiffany Reynolds and Jack Burton from Ivy Lodge who won Highly Commended Awards at the Great British Care Awards.

    Feedback from the Judges was as follows:

    The Frontline Leaders Award- Tiffany

    Tiffany spoke with enthusiasm and compassion, and you could tell she loves the work she does. She demonstrated throughout the interview that she is an active team player who uses her initiative and knows how leading by positive mindset and having a strong I can do attitude to any challenge that is placed before her and the team how she works closely with every person involved with the young people in her care to ensure the highest standard of care is given.

    The Care Newcomer Award- Jack Burton

    Jack showed a good understanding of teamwork and is working up the ranks.  He is an asset to the sector and will go far!

    Well done to our winners!

    2 years ago

    Ivy Lodge receives a ‘Good’ rating from Ofsted at their 2022 inspection.

    We are delighted to announce that the Ivy Lodge team has achieved an Ofsted rating of Good at its latest full inspection. The feedback from Ofsted reflects many of the positive outcomes our fantastic team continue to achieve every day at Ivy Lodge. Here is a summary of some of the key points highlighted at this latest inspection:

    Children’s experiences are fun and enjoyable

    One child goes horse riding, and another child enjoys trampolining and plays with a local football team. This enables children to build positive relationships with their peers.

    Staff support the children to spend time with people who are important to them

    The staff work closely with other professionals to ensure that the children’s time with families is positive. This helps children retain their identity and improves their self-esteem.

    The house is welcoming and nurturing

    The children are encouraged to express their individuality by choosing colour schemes and furniture for their bedrooms. This helps the children to develop a sense of belonging.

    Staff understand the risks to children

    Staff members understand the risks to children and are confident about strategies they use to increase their safety. Risk assessments are detailed and reviewed regularly.

    The children have positive relationships with the staff

    The staff understand when children may feel worried or anxious and help children to communicate their feelings. Consequently, children feel more confident to express their emotions.

    A massive well done goes to the staff team at Ivy Lodge for their continual hard work and efforts!

    Click here for more information on our Ivy Lodge home.

    2 years ago

    Today Was Parkview Academy’s Remembrance Day of Respect and Reflection.

    This year, Parkview Academy students paid their respects for Remembrance Day through reflection and celebration.  They joined over 200,000 children from over 1000 schools in a Live Remembrance Day Assembly across the country in a unique opportunity to join in a collective act of remembrance, standing silently to honour those that served their country in a two-minute silence. The students decorated their classroom doors as part of this reflection and took part in class discussions.

    2 years ago

    At Ivy Lodge, we threw a Halloween-themed party!

    The team and children picked the scariest costume they could find to add the ‘spooky’ to the day!

    We spent a day filled with Halloween-themed fun and games with piñatas, Halloween trivia, a toilet paper mummy competition, pumpkin carving and apple bobbing!

    The spooky day was topped off with party food including finger hotdogs and of course toffee apples and sweets!

    Our Deputy Manager at Ivy Lodge achieved her Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management with Children and Young People!

    Tiff originally joined Parkview Care as a Team Leader in April 2021 and was soon promoted to Deputy Manager in October 2021.

    We were so pleased to hear of her completing her Level 5 Diploma and we are looking forward to her future ventures with us!

    Well done Tiff!