Refer a Child Today
We believe all referrals and placements should be a holistic journey with all those involved in the child’s or young person’s life being part of the process.

Dedicated Referral Team
Parkview Care has a dedicated referral’s team who will receive initial enquiries, whether this be through a placement framework or a bespoke placement enquiry.
We can provide same day placements for vulnerable children & young people. For immediate solutions, our referral’s line is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 0345 647 7777.
In cases where an urgent place is needed, we can provide an immediate response to a request for accommodation.
The referral’s team will identify the homes or services within Parkview Care that they feel could meet the identified needs of the child or young person referred.
Our experienced managers will then read all referrals, considering a number of factors and situations to ensure we can meet if not exceed your expectations and the needs of the child or young person. We will also ensure we provide compatibility with other children & young people in placement.
We have a wide range of skills and experience within our teams, which gives us the flexibility to create a team around a child or young person which is matched in terms of gender, personality, skills, experience and background.
We ensure all children & young people are fundamental in planning their placements with us. Placement planning and risk assessment are live documents which we encourage children & young people to be part of where appropriate.
For any referrals, please contact the referrals team on 0345 647 7777, option one (open 24 hours a day, seven days a week).
Referrals can also be sent to referrals@parkviewcare.co.uk
Get In Touch With Us
We put children at the forefront of all we do. If you’d like to refer a child to us, please contact us using the details below.