The Cottage achieves ‘Good’ rating from Ofsted.
We want to congratulate the team at The Cottage, who achieved an Ofsted rating of Good in their recent inspection.
Comments made during the inspection include:
“Staff provide a range of positive and first-time experiences, such as swimming lessons and attending rugby matches. These opportunities are broadening the child’s experiences and installing positive childhood memories.”
“Staff are creative in how they get important messages across to children. They spend time talking to children and provide educational resources to inform their conversations and topics.”
“Staff support one child to see their family members regularly. This is helping the child build on their family relationships in a familiar setting with staff support. For the first time in six years, the child returned home over the Christmas period. The child told the inspector this made them very happy.”
“The registered manager’s monitoring systems are good and demonstrate he has clear management oversight of the home. The registered manager is reflective and focused. Staff say he is approachable and always makes time to listen to children and staff.”
We are very proud of the team.