3 years ago
The Cottage have received an Ofsted rating of Good in their latest inspection.
A massive congratulations to the whole staff team for all of their hard work!
Some of the key points are listed below:
- Managers and staff take pride in ensuring that well-planned key-work sessions help children to achieve meaningful goals.
- The positive relationships that children enjoy with staff makes children feel secure and cared for and enables them to make good progress.
- Weekly meetings are a supportive forum for children to express how they are feeling and to have a say in the day-to-day running of the home.
- Meaningful opportunities to talk to staff about themselves and the world around them are empowering experiences for children.
- Safeguarding children is a priority.
- Working closely with other professionals is given high priority by managers.
- Staff receive regular supervision and good-quality training that is relevant to the needs of the children that they are looking after.