We were overwhelmed with all the nominations received from both staff and young people for our first annual Parkview Star Awards.

After we reviewed each one and it really was a privilege to see the hard work of you all and the positive impacts each of you are making every single day which was not just reflected by your colleagues, but also the young people.

Each nomination was reviewed by our senior leadership team and choosing our winners was an incredibly difficult decision as, in our eyes, each and every one of you has made such a difference to the lives of the young people you support. Each of the winners received a two night stay at a hotel, with dinner, champagne and afternoon tea.

We are pleased to announce the winners of the Parkview Star Awards 2021 as follows:

Positive Impacts on Learning 

Gemma Barton – Parkview Academy

Gemma stood out to the judging panel having received several nominations from both pupils and staff members. Several pupils identified that the 1:1 support provided by Gemma has enabled them to learn and understand difficult subjects. Several staff and pupils reflected how Gemma actively supports pupils to remain in class and offers an ear to listen to any troubles, which promotes learning in a good environment.

What stood out was Gemma’s behaviour management supporting one pupil working on a 1:1 and forming an incredible relationship. This has impacted in learning across the whole school as the pupil is engaged in her learning for the first time in a number of years.

Quality and Care Planning 

Shannon Connolly – Ivy Lodge

Since Joining Parkview Care in the summer, Shannon has made a huge impact on the home and young people. Shannon was new to care, she has taken what she has learnt and applied this in her practice. Shannon has supported in developing a young person’s care plans and creating keywork planners to support young people’s development and significant improvement in various areas of their lives. Examples of this include work around self-esteem, confidence and positive relationships.  

Shannon has been willing to support the home since joining by picking up extra shifts and volunteering to take on the role of key worker for a young person. Despite being very new to the role, Shannon has built good relationships with the family of a young person and supervises a number of visits with the family. This helps ensure the young person receives effective care from all areas important to her and she is able to maintain relationships which have previously failed. 

Safety and Protection of Children 

Melissa Coombes – Parkview Academy

The panel picked Melissa to receive this award following a nomination from a young person which explored how she is always available to support around the school and listens to pupils. The pupil reflected how Melissa has been able to support her directly with advice around her mental health and supported with her self-harming behaviours. The young person no longer does this because of the advice and guidance provided to her by Melissa.

Other pupils also reflected how Melissa is always there to listen and they feel she does really listen and offers good advice which helps pupils to remain calm and subsequently safe.


Unsung Hero

Nicola Manley – Primrose House

Nicola (pictured below) received nominations from several staff and young people. These highlighted the support Nicola has provided in investing in young people, their plans and annual CLA reviews. One young person commented that, with Nicola’s support, they were able to sit through their review for the first time ever. Nicola has invested in young people’s health and wellbeing by putting together support plans for the young people to encourage an active lifestyle and healthy eating.

Nicola has supported a young person to find ways of managing their aggression by learning ways to regulate their anger, this has seen a significant reduction in incidents. Nicola is always willing to go above and beyond to support the home and young people to ensure that they have consistency and stability. Nicola self-isolated during a Covid-19 period with a young person in the home and supported a young person on an outreach trip for 8 days straight when the young person was in crisis and needed reassurance.