Parkview Care students and staff band together as a community to raise money for an amazing cause.

At the start of the new school year, a conversation was held with year 9 students about the possibility of putting together a fundraising event to raise money for a charity of their choice.

With some amazing ideas all-around, the students decided on a Pyjama Day and a Halloween themed coffee morning for Alzheimer’s UK.

As the coffee morning took place on the 22nd October, Year 9 Pupils enjoyed baking the day before in preparation, alongside their form tutor, Terri, who was supervising.

We ended up with a Victoria sponge, apple pie, chocolate apples, chocolate brownies, 60 cookies and 60 fairy cakes of all different flavours. The young people had done themselves proud.

Our Halloween themed coffee morning had a fantastic turnout. Everybody came in their spookiest outfits and enjoyed the sweet treats and raffle prizes. We even had the best fancy dress costume award, which went to the Scarecrow!

Together, as a school community, we had raised an astounding £282.49 for Alzheimer’s Research UK. All our pupils and staff are incredibly proud of this achievement.

We received a wonderful letter of thanks from Alzheimer’s UK: