About Us
Parkview Care has been established for more than 17 years, supporting and caring for children & young people aged 8 to 17 years.
We are located primarily in the East and South East of England, and take great pride in providing quality residential care which focuses clearly on enabling children & young people to achieve success and fulfilment in the future.

Providing Exceptional
Residential Care
We work with children & young people:
- Of either sex who require a residential alternative to a family placement or who are unaccompanied minors
- Who display an emotional behaviour difficulty, risk-taking behaviours, self-harming behaviour, criminal activity, verbal and physical challenging behaviours or with underlying special educational needs and/or underlying learning difficulties.
- Who are experiencing some sort of crisis in their lives, including those with turbulent or traumatic pasts.
- Who may have experienced multiple placement breakdowns who also require a period of consistent and sustained care to promote stability.
- Who struggle to form attachments and trusting relationships.
- Who may require increased and consistent supervision and monitoring through high level staffing based on need, including waking night support when necessary.
- Who may have been victims of, or at risk of exploitation.
While we encourage our children & young people to attend schools in the local community, we also have our own independent education provision, Parkview Academy.

Training & Development
Our well-trained and skilled work force change the lives and shape the futures of children & young people one day at a time. Our teams have access to a comprehensive training and development programme with the most up to date and innovative courses which meet the needs of the services we provide.